Dining Out For Life 2020 is postponed, but the love and concern we have for our community partners isn’t. As of March 16th, over 30 local restaurants had committed to supporting Friends For Life- now it’s time for all of us to give that support right back to them.
Below is a list of those restaurant partners who are currently offering pickup and delivery. We hope you will give to them as generously as they have given to us over the years. Thank you to Kelly English and his staff at Second Line and Restaurant Iris for sharing their fears and perspective as we navigate these uncharted waters.
Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen Bar Ware The Beauty Shop Restaurant Bishop Memphis Blue Honey Bistro Cafe Society Restaurant Catherine & Mary's Celtic Crossing Memphis Ecco on Overton Park Fino's from the Hill Grecian Gourmet Interim Restaurant & Bar Restaurant Iris Mahogany Memphis The Majestic Grille Midtown Crossing Grill RP Tracks Rizzos Diner The Second Line Sunrise Memphis Sweet Grass / Next Door The Cove Bar Venice Kitchen