Welcome to Friends For Life's FIRST virtual newsletter! We are excited to introduce
this new way to communicate with you about everything we've been up to!
Listen to Queen Rankins as she serenades us with a classic we all know and love, Thank You For Being a Friend from the beloved show, The Golden Girls.
Hunter Beckham then discusses some of the achievements our organization has experienced since the beginning of COVID-19 and what is to come!
Last April, we received funding for a food delivery truck from The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and The Elton John AIDS Foundation. We are very excited about the opportunities this truck will provide for us to serve our clients.
Friends For Life wants to film your pride celebrations! Are you hosting an outdoor "Quaranteam" gathering for you and your friends? Sign up to have FFL film your get together and be a part of the Big Gay (Virtual) Dance Party!
Hear Eric Leue, VP of Prevention, talk about what he and the team at The Corner have been up to recently!
After months of offering services via Telehealth appointments, The Corner is phasing back in to in-person appointments. Since COVID-19, STI rates in Memphis have been increasing. If you or someone you know needs assistance, reach out.
Text: 901-896-0739
Call: 901-896-0737
Stay safe and remember: consent is sexy and PrEP is for EVERYONE!
Hear Queen Rankins discuss the big changes coming to The Haven and her Lift Up Your Love Project.
The Haven will be relocating to the East Memphis area! We are so excited to see all the great things they do with their new space.
Lift Up Your Love is a program that Queen started to transform the South for our Black clients, especially within the faith-based community. With this program, she hopes to empower others to make changes within their communities and combat HIV stigma.
And remember, change starts with you and me.
Our CEO/President, Diane Duke, closes us out with a huge shout out to the staff.
Also, make sure you and your team come participate in Midsouth Pride's car parade. Memphis Pride takes place 9/20-9/26.
We also are beginning our strategic planning with our board of directors to plan out what the next few years at FFL look like.
Finally, we want to send a huge THANK YOU to our community. We are successful because of you.
Your Friends
Music courtesy of bensounds.com
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